A reaction on burns is different and not always a right, so as on a burn surface apply starch, sprinkle salt, grease a strong sol. of manganese, cologne.. And it's not getting improving. And when patient visiting doctor, as a not right first aid done, thus a hard to define a burn level, but she is depending from a deep damage skin covers and close tissues. In our country for big burns created special regions and centres, in limiting burs a qualified medical help get at traumatology centre, in surgeries at hospital, but when you are visiting doctor as in a few times a hurt from a top burn getting big suffers. If burn deep, a right first help saves your life. A most hard burns by fire. If on patient burns clothes, thus a fast pay-off fire, a close for suffers a coat, or blanket, that not closing head, that a not getting burn of breath ways and poison by toxic products of burning, or pay off fire by water. A check, attention to children's. As you must put him in water faster , after remove socks or tights and other all. On an adult, cut burning clothes and remove her. A try not damage burned surface. As in big burns, wrap suffered in a clean sheet, and call the doctor or visit a close emergency as on stretcher. If not vomiting, drink more water with added salt cooking and soda one tea.sp. for one l. water. Till a doctor visiting for lowering ache give to patient 1–2 pills of analgin, baralgin, or aspirin. In the small surface burns by hot water, fire a faster to cold a burned skin, as by water, ice, snow for 5-10 min till ache calming. If on the skin attacked alkaline or acid, thus for 10-15 min remove theirs underwater course of cold, and in alkaline burn apply on burned surface gauze on a half diluted of vegetable vinegar in water half diluted, by acid burn bandage of sol. Cooling soda/one tea.sp. for glass of water. Bitumen, raisins washing out from a skin with tampon wetted in turpentine, or gasoline.
Common rules.
After a cooling on the damage's skin of body, apply a dry sterilized bandage of gauze, towel, or other clean fabric. Remember!
In burns not use starch, creams perfumed, vegetable oils, spirit, painting substances.
But 5 perc. of liniment Dibunol on a burn case is need to keep in an every home pharmacy, that remedy having anti inflamed effect, lowering ache and tissues edema. Apply by thin layer on the burn side for 1-2 times/day.
By Gerasimova, doctor for medical science.
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